How to Read a Research Paper

1 minute read


This post summarizes an efficient three-pass approach for reading research papers, based on the article “How to Read a Paper” by S. Keshav.

Three-Pass Approach

First Pass (5-10 mins)

  • Read title, abstract, intro, headings, conclusions
  • Get a bird’s-eye view
  • Assess category, context, correctness, contributions, clarity

Second Pass (up to 1 hour)

  • Read in detail, ignoring proofs etc.
  • Make notes on key points, questions, comments
  • Grasp purpose, methods, techniques, results
  • Assess assumptions, approach, validity of conclusions

Third Pass (1-5 hours)

  • Attempt to virtually recreate the work
  • Challenge assumptions, evaluate techniques, interpret results
  • Compare recreation to actual paper
  • Identify gaps, innovations, limitations

Doing a Literature Survey

  • Find 3-5 recent papers with academic search, skim their related work sections
  • Identify shared citations and repeated author names - download their key papers
  • Identify where top researchers in that field publish
  • Quickly scan recent proceedings of those top conferences
  • Iterate on key papers found through backward snowball sampling


  • Estimates time needed to review papers, adjust depth as needed
  • Provides systematic way to thoroughly understand papers
  • Helps review papers, conduct surveys, keep up with research
  • Develops skills in critical analysis and recreation of research